
April 18, 2024

Thursday, 04/18/2024
Reaud 202 and Teams
Submitted By:
Sujing Wang


Starting Time: Members began joining the meeting at 11:15 AM.

Attending: Samuel Jator, Brett Welch, Sujing Wang, Daniel Bartlett, Jennifer Thompson, Poornima Gunasekaran, Donna Fong, Dale Fontenot, Chun-wei Yao, Jing Zhang, Jane Liu, Eric Shannon, Eunjin Kwon, Don Warren.

Invited speakers:  Jose Rutledge, Steven Veron from IT, Ashely Dockens, Frank Sun from Computer Science.

Call to Order:  11:30 AM

  1. Review and approval of Oct 2023 meeting minutes.

        Motion to approve the minutes was made by Poornima Gunasekaran, second by Jane Liu, motion passed.

  1. Invited speaker: Ashley L. Dockens, demonstration of copilot and generative AI applications.


  1. Invited speaker: Steven Veron for PC refresh update.


  1. Old business: Suggestions for online form submission and approval (students’ form request)

        Johnny Jarrel is working on it and plan to implement in Fall 2024

  1. Committee meeting date and time in Fall 2024:  TBD


  1. New business from faculty feedback:
    • Suggestions for faculty members who may use PCs to access the Lamar system during summer overseas:  faculty can use personal device to access Lamar email and Blackboard, but can not save data on personal device dur to security concern.
    • Possible resources to support the extension of the GPU server for teaching and research. 


Meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM.