
Meeting Report for August 2018-August 2019

Thursday, 08/09/2018
Education Building
Submitted By:
Dr. David Wallace

College of Education and Human Development
Alumni Network Activities and Meetings
August 2018-August 2019

(Report prepared by Dr. David Wallace, October 2019)

Getting Started and Coordination

In August and September 2018, Alumni Network Director, Dr. David Wallace, explored initial Network ideas with Dean Robert Spina and separately with other COEHD leaders including the Associate Dean, Dr. Rebecca Weinbaum, and department chairs in Counseling, Educational Administration, Family-Consumer Science, Kinesiology and Teacher Education.  Thereafter, Dr. Wallace met regularly with Dean Spina during the academic year 2018-19 to (1) establish the Network Advisory Committee, (2) plan first year activities, (3) report on Network progress. Dates of those meetings were August 24, September 6, September 21, October 19, December 5 (2018) and January 23, March 12, May 30, August 30 (2019).

Alumni Network Advisory Committee

In fall 2018, Dr. Wallace met with COEHD department chairs to solicit names of persons who would be good representatives on the Advisory Committee. The COEHD Alumni Network Advisory Committee was established in late December 2018.  A total of ten persons were invited to serve on the Network Advisory Committee, two alumni representatives for each of the college’s five departments.


  • January 23, 2019, Alumni Network Advisory Committee Meeting. The Alumni Network Advisory Committee met January 23, 2019. They generated a set of recommendations for shaping the Alumni Network plan of action.  They offered to help implement the recommendations.


  • Alumni Network Members
Ms. D’lana Barbay
Director, Professional Development
Gifted and Talented Program, Beaumont ISD, Beaumont, TX
Ms. Tanisha Rene’ Bodden
Director, Child Nutrition Program, Nederland ISD, Nederland, TX
Dr. Tylor Champlin
Superintendent, Burkburnett ISD, Burkburnett, TX
Ms. Kayla Fisher
CEO of Green Light Restaurants, Beaumont, TX
Dr. Cindy Fussell
Director, Special Education, Region 5 Education Service Center, Beaumont, TX
Mr. George Orebe
Health, Safety, Environmental Field Representative, Swiftwater: A Tetra Company, Midland, TX 
Dr. Robin Perez
Superintendent, Nederland ISD, Nederland, TX
Mr. James Rodriguez
Physical Education Teacher, Sallie Curtis Elementary School, Beaumont ISD, Beaumont, TX
Ms. Rebecca Wachsler
Clinical Mental Health Counselor, New Dimensions Day Treatment Center, Empower Wellness
Education, Seabrook, TX
Ms. Brandi Wulf
Director of Counseling, Kelly High School, Beaumont, TX


Alumni Network Plan Recommendations (January 2019)

 The Advisory Committee emphasized that the COEHD pay attention to alumni involvement and be prepared to answer the following question:  What is the COEHD Alumni Network going to do for me?

  1. Alumni Perspective - “Means to an End” – Pay attention to the mindset that alumni activities for many persons is viewed as a means to an end. This is true especially for millennials.  Committee members also stressed the importance of communication using social media - Twitter, Facebook, etc.


  1. Participate in Lamar Events: Identify an event and invite alumni to participate (e.g. sport event).  Example:  Alumni event at football game in the fall – tailgate gathering.


  1. Grow Employees’ Knowledge and Skills (Recent Grads) – Bring speakers to campus that are relevant to interests of alumni.  Example: Jon Acuff, Do Over: Make Today the First Day of Your Career


  1. Connect with Employers - Develop approach that focuses on employers including companies/public organizations (schools, etc.) Consider how alumni activities can help companies and other other organizations focus on “training, continuing education, and professional development”


  1. Catch Before They Graduate – Foster early engagement of persons graduating from Lamar COEHD – (a) get in front of the process by helping with employment, (b) get them involved immediately, (c) ask alumni from graduating classes to speak at seminars of recently graduated alumni; (d) ask alumni to speak in classrooms college-wide (COEHD)


  1. Make Degrees More Relevant to Career Opportunities - Send questionnaire to recent graduates in each department. Develop questions that address the following: (a) What could we have done better for you? (b) How could we have made our program more attractive?  (c) How could we make our program better and more relevant to realistic experiences in the field or career?


March, April, May 2019 – Work Group Meetings of Advisory Committee Members

Advisory Committee members offered to lead and/or help in small groups or committees to address the above recommendations. During the spring 2019, Dr. Wallace, via conference call meetings, met with a work group of advisory board members to discuss proposed recommendations. The work group’s initial focus was on exploring ways to support new graduates.  The primary activity they agreed to help implement was a seminar called, Get Ready for the Workplace.  They identified Jordan Lewis, a local retail clothing store manager, as the potential speaker.  The work group recommended holding the seminars in fall 2019 and spring 2020.


The work group members are:

  • Brandi Wulf, Director of Counseling, Kelly High School, Beaumont, TX
  • Kayla Fisher, CEO, Green Light Restaurants, Beaumont, TX
  • Rebecca Wachsler, Clinical and Mental Health Counselor, New Dimensions Day Treatment Center, Empower, Wellness Education, Seabrook, TX
  • D’lana Barbay, Director, Professional Development, Gifted/Talented Program, Beaumont ISD
  • Tanisha Rene’ Bodden, Director, Child Nutrition Program, Nederland ISD
  • Tylor Champlin, Superintendent. Burkburnett ISD, Burkburnett, TX


 Other Alumni Network Activities in 2018-2019

 November 15, 2018 - Reception at Texas Counseling Association (TCA): The COEHD hosted a reception for alumni attending the Texas Counseling Association conference in Dallas.  Dean Spina and Dr. Wallace welcomed the alumni group and provided comments.
January 28, 2019 - Reception at the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA): The COEHD hosted a reception for alumni attending the the Texas Association of School Administrators conference in Austin.  Dean Spina, Department Chair, Dr. Diane Mason, and Dr. Wallace welcomed the alumni group and provided comments.
April 2019 - Established a Web Page:  The COEHD established an Alumni Network web page on the college’s web site.

May 18, 2019 - COEHD Commencement Ceremony:  Immediately following commencement, ceremony, the COEHD provided a gift of a t-shirt to graduates.  Alumni Network Advisory members passed out the t-shirts, offered congratulations to graduates, and encouraged them to be part of the Alumni Network.


Projected Alumni Network Activities for 2019-2020


  1. Encourage graduates to join network - COEHD Webpage for Alumni Network
  1. Tailgate for Alumni – Fall Football Game at Lamar
  1. “Get Ready for the Workplace” Seminar (Jordan Lewis, Speaker)
    1. Prior to graduation – First seminar in November/December 2019
    2. Prior to graduation – Second seminar in April/May 2020
  1. Regional Event(s) – Recommended tentative plans to conduct regional events
    1. McAllen, TX (Fall/Winger 2019- 2020}
    2. Abilene Area - Basketball Game Winter 2020 (Abilene Christian – Lamar U)
  1. Commencement (December 2019 and May 2020) - Immediately following commencement:
    1. Give gift to graduates (possibly T-shirt – What’s Next? including COEHD Alumni Network webpage)
    2. Offer personal greetings/congratulations from Alumni Network Advisory members
    3. Encourage graduates to be part of the Alumni Network
  1. Alumni Network Advisory meetings (2 meetings – one in Fall 2019 and one in Winter/Spring 2020)