Graduate Council
July 21, 2021
Attending: Jerry Lin, Brett Welch, Carly Cox, Jeff Forret, Jeff Dyson, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Awais Saleem
Meeting held in person at Wimberly 219 and online via MS Teams @ 12:30 pm
Approval of Minutes
#467 – June 16, 2021
Motion to accept minutes: Forret, second by: Welch, motion passed.
Old Business
CoFAC – Dawn Kidd, Martina Bienvenue, Outside Committee Members - Lindsey Snyder (student Brian Cheslock L20357425), Thangi Appanah (student Rajmonda Krasniqi L20384724)
CoEHD – John Boatwright
New Business
College of Engineering
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering – requesting addition of a 12-credit hour graduate certificate in Fermentation Science and Engineering
Student interest survey completed and constituents outside of campus were consulted, both indicated interest in program. Admission criteria and curriculum are already established. THECB approval is not necessary due to number of hours required. BoR approval will be sought in November 2021. Motion to accept certificate program proposal: Welch, second: Dyson, motion passed.
Civil & Environmental Engineering – requesting a course change for CVEN 5331 to update the course title
Original course name was altered when entering into LU systems due to character limits, this request is to correct the course name, specifically changing the term “biologic” to “biological.”
Motion to accept: Saleem, second: Dyson, motion passed.
College of Education
Educator Preparation Programs – degree plan modifications across multiple programs to stop need for mass exceptions in DegreeWorks, see memo
The college developed new courses to use cross-college and these were previously approved, however the degree plans were not updated and this resulted in the need for very many manual exceptions in degree Works in order for students to receive financial aid, etc. Some discussion on the use of one school law course for multiple programs, Hefner-Babb has concerns with this. Suggested modification: approved pending additional documentation to justify using school law to replace special education law course. Motion to accept with condition as stated previously: Saleem, second: Forret, motion passed.
Graduate Faculty Application: Full membership – Ricardo Tovar-Silos, College of Business
Motion to accept: Forret, second: Welch, motion passed.
Discussion on Graduate Scholarship policy
Shared clarification on awarding terms, specifically that we will no longer award $500 in summer terms and instead we will award $50 in order to apply the non-resident tuition waiver as necessary for out of state students.
Discussion on academic suspension appeal policy
Shared clarification on when an appeal is necessary. Students are allowed to take summer courses without filing an appeal. Forret asks about the timeline for GPA repair as it may impact part-time students. Lin explains that students will move through P1 and P2 prior to receiving academic suspension, and they must take at least 9 hours before probation status may be applied.
Motion to accept: Forret, second: Saleem, motions passed.