
April 12, 2022

Tuesday, 04/12/2022
Science and Technology Building room 275
Submitted By:
C. Cazares

IRB Agenda  
April 12, 2022  
2:00 pm/Science and Technology Building Room# 275  

I. Call to Order: Dr. Alan Moore, at 2:04 PM  

II. Approval of Minutes:  September 13, 2021 

Motion to approve by Clayton Jeffryes. Second by Shannon Jordan. Motion approved.

III. Congratulations to Shannon Jordan as our new IRB Vice Chair.  

IV. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA): 

Dr. Jerry Lin - Associate Provost for Research 

Emily Born, Compliance Officer (IRB Analyst)  

V. List of Approved Expedited Studies 

Additional student projects are currently being submitted 

April 15, 2022, student IRB proposals are due   

VI. CITI Certification reminder, specifically for faculty members sponsoring students’ research  

VII. CITI Certification for Board Members 

a. Reminder: Board Members need to complete the CITI IRB Members Course to satisfy the requirements for the SBE and BioMed courses.  

VIII. Full Board Review of IRB Application 

None submitted  

IX. Update from the Chair 

a. Screening your subjects 

i. Template provided on the website  

ii. Note the available use of the template listed on the check list  

 X. Other Business Items 

a. Ask board members questions for previous discussions 

b. Holding treatment controlled discussions 

c. Expedited approved list is available  

XI. Motion to adjourn by Emily Born at 2:21 PM 


Next meetings for 2022:  July 12, 2022; September 13, 2022; November 8, 2022