
January 28, 2019

Monday, 01/28/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Aida Lasher

Committee Minutes 1-28-19
Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; Judy Smith, Nursing; Stefan Andrei, CID representative; Janes Armacost, Biology; Kami Makki, Computer Science; Barbara Hernandez, Kinesiology; Communications and Kinesiology; Qin Qian, Engineering; Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Larry Osborne, College of Arts & Sciences; Garrick Harden,  Faculty Senate Representative; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communications; Mamta Singh, Teacher Education; John McCollough, Business; Zanthia Smith, DSDE; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications
Via Proxy: Ken Aung, Engineering;
Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA; Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention, David Short, Registrar
Guests: James Sanderson, English & MOOL; Timothy Roden, CAS;

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:35 pm

Approval of Minutes: 12-3-18
  • Motion made to approve with revisions Serdar; Seconded by Zanthia. Minutes approved as written.

SOCI 3320 Gender and Islam
  • Judy made a motion to table approval due to lack of action by the department in making prior changes requested; James seconded the motion; motion was unanimously approved.
ENGL 4332 Special Topics Nontraditional Literature
  • Corrections and clarifications from last meeting reviewed
  • Motion to approve the syllabus Judy; Seconded by Stefan; Motion approved unanimously.
ENGL 4351 Studies in Literature before 1800
  • Corrections and clarifications from last meeting reviewed
  • Motion to approve Stefan; Seconded Barbara. Motion approved unanimously.
ELEN 3441 Fundamentals of Power Engineering
  • Pre-requisites and Co requisites on the face sheet and the syllabus do not match.
  • Need clarification on the max repeat hours
  • Motion to return to the department for clarifications Judy; Barbara seconded. Motion unanimously approved
ELEN 2411 Circuits I
  • Pre-requisites on the face sheet states MATH2414, PHYS 2426, ELEN 1301 or equivalent. Syllabus does not address the: or equivalent part of the statement.
  • Motion to approve with the friendly amendment by Judy; Seconded by Barbara; Motion approved unanimously.
CVEN 2370 Intro to CAD and Surveying
  • A change in pre-requisite from CVEN 1101 to MATH 2413 was made to promote better flexibility in the degree plan and to help with retention
  • Judy motioned to approve the above change; Barbara seconded; approved unanimously.
CVEN 3390 Geo-Technical Engineering
  • Pre-requisites changed from CVEN 2372 and MEEN 2302 to just include only CVEN 2372 to improve retention rates; Also MEEN is not a requirement for taking CVEN 3390.
  • Missing Max repeat hours on the face sheet
  • Zanthia motioned to approve pending the clarification on the max repeat hours; Stefan seconded; approved unanimously.
CVEN 4313 Civil Eng Sys Des Proj II
  • Missing max repeat hours; should be zero
  • Motion to approve pending the friendly amendment by Kami; Seconded by Barbara; unanimously approved with clarification.
CVEN 4365 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
  • Millicent made a motion to approve as written; Serdar seconded; motion approved.
COSC 2375 Discrete Structures
  • Motion made to approve as written by Judy; Barbara seconded and motion approved unanimously.
COSC 4301 Special Topics
  • Maximum Repeat Hours corrected to 15 per departmental representative
  • Motion to approve with the amended max repeat hours by Millicent; Seconded by Barbara; Approved unanimously.
COSC 3304 Algorithms Design and Analysis
  • Changed pre-requisites from COSC 2336 and MATH 2305 to COSC 2336 and COSC 2375
  • Motion to approve changes in pre-requisites Barbara; Seconded by Serdar; Approved unanimously.
PSYC 3301 Advanced Statistics
  • Pre-requisite listed on cover sheet as PSYC 2317 but in the syllabus it still lists PSYC 2471 which is no longer being taught
  • Motion to approve with the removal of PSYC 2471 on the Syllabus by Judy; Barbara seconded; unanimously approved.
GEOL 1404 Geology II Historical Geology
  • Pre-requisites were dropped to make the course more accessible to more students.
  • On the face sheet the word prerequisite is misspelled as perquisite and an e is missing in the same area from the word none.
  • Lecture and Lab hours were the correct ratio.
  • Motion made by Barbara to approve the syllabus with the above spelling corrections by Barbara; Qin seconded; motion approved
MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
  • Updated pre-requisite because of prior typographical error
  • Motion to approve with the change in pre-requisite by Serdar; Stefan Seconded; unanimously approved

  • Next meeting will be held Monday February 18, 2019 at 3:30 pm in Room 202 of the Reaud Building.
  • Motion to Adjourn at 4:55 pm by Barbara; Seconded by Stefan and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Judy Smith, Secretary University Undergraduate Committee.