
February 3, 2020

Monday, 02/03/2020
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ashwini Kucknoor

UUCC Minutes 02-03-2020

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; James Armacost, Ashwini Kucknoor, Randy Yoder, Arts and Sciences, Barbara Hernandez, Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Tracy Benson, Alberto Marquez, Engineering, Millicent Musyoka, Zanthia Smith, Fine Arts and Communication, Stefan Andre COAS, Computer Science Katey McCall, SGA, Melissa Riley, Faculty Senate Rep, Garrick Harden, A&S

Via Proxy: Serdar Ilban Fine Arts


Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; David Short, Registrar, James Nelson, A&S CC Chair, Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention; Liv Haselbach, Engineering CC Chair, Tony Mulvaney, COB, Rebecca Boone, COAS,

Ex-Officio Absent: Belinda Lopez, Ed and Human Dev CC Chair, Kurt Dryhaug, Fine Arts and Comm, CC Chair, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Kayla Halloway

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher

Guests: Debra Greschner, Music

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:32 pm

Michael Saar opened the meeting by talking about the update on sub-committee. Requested the representatives from core sub-committees to meet with college curriculum committee, get feedback and report it to the CC members.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes were not brought up for approval, as there was a delay in receiving the minutes on time to send it to the members, and therefore, minutes from last meeting will be approved at the next meeting. Melissa Riley commented on academic issues; to have signatures of chair of the departmental CC in course approval forms, and any forms that are submitted to UUCC should have the chair of Departmental CC signatures.

  • BAAS and Gen Studies: Rebecca Boone explained the proposal, all the members agreed.

Judy Smith put forth a motion to approve, Hernandez seconded the motion. Th emotion received all votes in favor, and the motion passed.

  • Math Minor – math 3322 to be included in the list.

Motion to approve was proposed by James nelson, seconded by Judy Smith. Motion passed to approve.

  • Electrical Engineering Certificate – All agreed that justification was good.

 Motion to approve was proposed by Hernandez, seconded by Mamta Singh. Motion passed to approve.

  • Course deletions CVEN 1101, 3310, 3350 : These were voted on as a single set.

Motion to approve course deletions was done by Judy Smith, seconded by Katy McCall. All voted yes, and the motion passed.

  • GEOL 3311 course Change: For GIS certificate, updating from principles to fundamentals, max repeat =0, no other changes

Katey McCall motioned to approve with changes, Seconded by Judy Smith. Motion was approved unanimously.

  • Voted as a set: GEOL 3303, GEOL 3312, GEOL 3314, GEOL 4313, GEOL 4316: cosmetic changes with respect to typo, content is ok. Max repeat hours=0. Course titles should be consistent.

Judy Smith motioned to approve with all the changes, Hernandez seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  

  • PSYC 3390: Positive Psychology- There was a lot of discussion on this following Garrick Harden’s analysis of this course. Garrick said that in his opinion positive psychology is not considered as a proper science, as it dis-encourages diversity, and is a watered-down religion. Approving this course might open up legal issues for Lamar, as an instructor with Master’s degree is going to teach this course. Garrick had reference articles for the members to look into, to support his points. He also added that the course description was a paraphrasing from positivepsychology.com website. Smith also mentioned that pre-requisites included industrial psychology. James nelson said that this was indeed approved by the college curriculum committee.

Katey McCall made a motion to table PSYC 3390 until next UUCC meeting, to hear from someone from Psychology department regarding this course. Judy Smith seconded the motion, and all voted in favor of the motion.

  • MATH 1333 – Learning outcomes and course objectives not clear. Saar mentioned that the paperwork should be clarified.

Judy Smith motioned to approve pending receipt of actual course objectives that will line up with learning outcomes. Millicent seconded. All voted in favor, and the motion passed.

  • PEDG 4306 – Max repeat hours=0, descriptions on the catalog don’t match, learning outcomes to be placed in the right sequence. Pre-requisites need to be corrected to represent PEDG 3300, BIOL1308, or BIOL 1406 or PHYS 1405, or BIOL 2306, Reporting level -senior, needs CIP and CB codes

Katy McCall motioned to approve pending changes, Judy Smith seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • MUSI 1181, 1182, 2181, 2182: Class I Piano to class 4 Piano in a logical advancement, contact hours-15, inconsistencies with respect to good standing or “instructors” permission-needs correction,  office hours are required.

Katy motioned to approve with changes, Garrick seconded, and the motion to approve with changes passed.

  • MUSI 3272 – contact hours, max repeat needs to be corrected. Grade scale of 102-typo to be fixed. Remove statement ton student accommodations from the grading scale, as the concourse syllabus has this embedded already, and appropriately.

A motion to approve with changes was proposed by Judy Smith, Hernandez seconded it, and the motion passed.

  • MUSI 3281- max repeat hours=0, credit hours-30, ISBN missing for text books, Music pre-reqs 3310, 3300. Originally was in pedagogy, now in music. Mamta Singh asked if the Pedagogy folks know about it. Pre-reqs have to be fixed.

Millicent motioned to approve with changes and confirmation from Dr. Mason from education and the Tracy Benson seconded it. The motion passed.

  • BUSI 3300- Currently 2300, Tony Mulvaney said it is just a number change, without changes to the content. David asked about how that can be done, when there is no change in the rigor, but just changing the course number to elevate the offering to a higher number. There was discussion about how it can be done and why it is done. There was consensus that the rigor needs to change somehow, and, also a justification needs to be provided as to how the current course can be changed into a newer one.

Katy McCall motioned to return it to the department to increase the rigor of the course, within the academic content, and, also provide proper justification. Judy Smith seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Closing Remarks: Michael Saar suggested to complete the rest of the items on the agenda in the next meeting.  

Next Meeting –Feb 17th

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 5.05 pm by Mamta Singh; Judy Smith seconded and the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted: Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology