
March 9, 2020

Monday, 03/09/2020
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ashwini Kucknoor

UUCC Minutes 03-09-2020

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; James Armacost, Ashwini Kucknoor, Barbara Hernandez, Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Tracy Benson, Alberto Marquez, Engineering, Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communication, Stefan Andre COAS, Computer Science Katey McCall, SGA, Melissa Riley, Faculty Senate Rep, Garrick Harden, A&S, Judy Smith, Arts & Sciences, Tracy Benson, Engineering, Stefan Andrei, CID rep,

Via Proxy: Qin Qian, Engineering

Absent: Sara Hillin, Randall Yoder, Alberto Marquez, Millicent Musyoka, Zanthia Smith,

Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; David Short, Registrar, James Nelson, A&S CC Chair, Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention; Liv Haselbach, Engineering CC Chair, Tony Mulvaney, COB, Rebecca Boone, COAS, Theresa Hefner-Babb,

Ex-Officio Absent: Belinda Lopez, Ed and Human Dev CC Chair, Kurt Dryhaug, Fine Arts and Comm, CC Chair, Kayla Halloway

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher

Guests: Debra Greschner, Music, Joel Grothe, COFAC-T &D

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order:  3:34

Michael Saar opened the meeting.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from Feb 17, 2020.

Judy Smith motioned to approve the minutes, Stefan Andrei seconded it, and the motion was approved.

Items on the agenda:

  • COSC 1324 – Course Change; Minor change-missing sentence in the third paragraph of the syllabus.

Judy Smith made a motion to approve, and Stefan Andrei seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  • COSC 2325 – Course Change; A title change, maybe a course addition. Changing from 2372 to 2325. So, the 2373 should be removed, and add 2325 as new course addition. Discussions led to a conclusion to return to the department for changes, and Stefan Andrei withdrew this proposal.
  • COFAC Interdisciplinary Degree; Joel Grothe explained, and said that it is followed in other institutions, and wants to do it in Lamar, information is general, and Dean has already okayed it. Michael Saar asked about the COFAC elective credits. Katie McCall asked what was the difference between General Studies and Interdisciplinary studies? David Short mentioned that it is not clear whether it will be only offered to students within the college, and would it be offered in future. Debra Greschner said that there’s a capstone project. Mamta Singh added that interdisciplinary degrees in Teacher’s education is strictly within the college. Michael Saar likes the idea of inter-disciplinary degrees, but would like to know more details on cores and pods.

James Nelson motioned to send it back to the department. Tracy Benson seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously.

  • B.S. Film Studies/B.S. Broadcasting - Withdrawn
  • Certificate Sports Journalism & Media – Withdraw
  • Music Degree Revisions; Debra Greschner explained that this is for certification, and to help students graduate on time, substituting courses to fit into the core. Michael Saar brought up that there are issues, several courses are not approved by curriculum committee.
    • All courses in degree plan should be existing courses at least by the date of degree plan approval; [proposals for course changes/additions/deletions up at the same meeting)
    • Include course deletion requests if any courses are no longer being offered 
    • Evaluate degrees for hidden pre-reqs that aren’t in plans and address those issues (Music History courses) 
    • Information on degree plan cover sheet conflicts information in degrees (example: MUSI 3380, MUSI 3160) 
    • Complete course numbers should be included for all courses on degree plan. 
    • Include current official degree plan with proposed plan and clearly state the changes being proposed on a plan-by-plan basis 
    • Cover page info should match info inside

Katie McCall motioned to Return to the department, Tracy Benson seconded. Motion passed.

  • Music Courses for Music Ed Degree; Ed degree-Band and Choir 1218, 3380; pre-requisites should be fixed 1330-1340 (1208, 1218, 2311, 2312)

Judy Smith proposed a motion to return to the department, Barbara Hernandez seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • MUSI 3162, MUSI 3177 Course Additions; MUSC 3162, 1070 – Approve with Corrections: MUSI 3162 SCH = 1; Contact Hours = 15; Change to Lab

Katie McCall motioned to approve with corrections, James nelson seconded the motion, and motion passed.

  • Theatre & Dance Minors;
  • Minors- theatre and dance; pre-requisites are not in the catalog, 1352 -course deletion need to be done. 1351- error in catalog. Update the appropriate pre-reqs and include “instructor approved-where appropriate. Dance minor- dance production should be changed from 2 semesters to one semester, course directory needs to be updated.

James Nelson motioned to approve with corrections, Katie McCall seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

  • COMM 1335 Course Addition, COMM 1336 Course Addition, COMM 2339 Course Addition; 1335-broadcasting program, activity type-lecture, 1336-intro media production, 2329- pre-reqs on cover sheet could match that of the inside, ISBM for text book, grading scale is a problem, needs to be consistent. Contact hours-45,

Judy Smith motioned to approve with changes, Katie McCall seconded, and the motion passed.

  • COMM 4365 Course Addition; Max repeat+0.

Judy Smith motioned to approve with minor changes, Stefan Andrei seconded, and the motion passed.

  • DANC 2249, 3161, 3249; 4294
  • DANC 4249 - max repeat=0. 2 cr course, contact hours 15/30

Judy Smith motioned to approve with changes, Stefan Andrei seconded, and the motion passed.

  • MULB 3178 Course Addition, MUSI 3177; MUSI 3166
  • MUSI 3166 Max Repeat = 0; Contact Hours = 15  

Judy Smith proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Stefan Andrei seconded, and the motion passed.

  • THEA 1310 Course Change; title change, contact hours 45, grading scale to be consistent.

Judy Smith proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Stefan Andrei seconded, and the motion passed.

  • THEA 2111, 4211 Course Addition; contact hours-15 and 30 respectively,

Judy Smith proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Mamta Singh seconded, and the motion passed.

  • THEA 2351 Course Change; grading scale to be consistent, contact hours-45.

Judy Smith proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Mamta Singh seconded, and the motion passed.

  • THEA 4372 Course Addition; Contact hours-45

Katey McCall proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Stefan Andrei Singh seconded, and the motion passed.

  • THEA 4373 Course Addition; no max repeat, contact hours-45, grading criteria needs to be clear.

Judy Smith proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Mamta Singh seconded, and the motion passed.

  • BUAL 2310 Course Change; Requirements of MATH 1324 or MATH 1325 is missing, course descriptions missing, subject outline. And also needs to include new Math course.
  • FINC 3310 Course Change – Subject Outline Missing (it is referred to elsewhere in the syllabus and required per our by-laws)
  • MGMT 3320 – discrepancy between the math of the total points for evaluation (800) and the points as listed (1000)

Tracy Benson proposed the motion to approve with minor changes, Stefan Andrei seconded, and the motion passed

Closing Remarks: Michael Saar mentioned that Core-curriculum sub-committee will send emails, and the next step is to meet with college curriculum committee and deans, and then bring the proposal to the broader committee.


Next Meeting –April 20th

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4:58 pm by Judy Smith; Barbara Hernandez seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted: Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology