
Jamie M. Bencak

Jamie Bencak

Doctoral Student
Email: jbencak@lamar.edu 


  • Chicago, IL

Current Employment

  • Clinical Assistant Professor / M.S. Deaf Education Program Director, 91制片厂  


  • M.S. in Education of the Deaf, Texas Woman's University, 2018
  • B.S. in Deaf Education, Illinois State University, 2006

Research Interests

  • Early Literacy and Langauge Development of Deaf Children
  • Literacy Strategies and Interactions between Deaf/Hearing Parents and Deaf Children
  • Curriculum and Instruction of Early Literacy for Deaf Children
  • ASL-English Bilingualism 
  • ASL Assessments
  • Self-Advocacy Skills of Deaf Children and Adolescents
  • Deaf Education Administration

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Alford, A. D., Bencak, J. M., Tucker, E. A., Williams, D. C., Courson, F. F., Buchanan, B. J., Greene, A. N., & Clark, M. D. (in press). Is the window of learning only cracked open? Parents’ perspectives on virtual learning. American Annals of the Deaf.
  • Courson, F.F., Alford, A.D., Bencak, J.M., & Edwards, S.G. (2023). Lessons learned from preservice teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students during a pandemic. In N. Neild & P. Graham (Eds.), Cases on Teacher Preparation in Deaf Education (pp.227-264).  
  • Greene, A., Bencak, J. (in preparation). The Outsiders: A survey of microaggression in deaf education.  
  • Beal, J., Bencak, J., Clark, M.D. (in preparation). Deaf Education is different: A deaf centric framework. 

Recent Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • N/A

Recent Presentations

  • MacGlaughlin, H., Bencak, J. (2023, February). Preparation for test taking study skills: How can we help? Let us count the ways [Poster Presentation]. Association of College Educators- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH) Conference, San Antonio, Texas. 
  • Edwards, S., Courson, F., Alford, A., & Bencak, J. (2022, February). Online Mentoring with Preservice Teachers of K-12 DHH Students using Bilingual Instructional Strategies in Literacy. Presented at Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
  • Wright, S.J., Lawyer, G., Tucker, E., Bencak, J., Hill, J., & Goodwin, S. (2020, February). Case Study: Social Movement Impacts on Deaf Administrative Hires in the Past 7 Years.
    Presented at the Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Dissertation Focus

  • ASL-Shared Storybook Reading