Proposal Components
A proposal layout is provided for SURF proposal submission. For consideration of funding, the proposal must be submitted electronically in one PDF file with the content listed in the instructions below.
Proposal Coversheet: The information on the coversheet will be utilized for determining the eligibility requirements.
Project Description: The narrative portion of the proposal must not exceed 7 pages of letter-size paper with 1” margins and 10 pt. Times New Roman font or larger. The narrative portion of the proposal encompasses items 1–7 of the list below. Item 8, letter(s) of recommendation from mentor(s), does not count towards the page limit. Separate page(s) for references, graphs/tables, and/or appendices do not count towards the page limit.
- Title (no more than 10 words) and Abstract (of 250 words or less)
- Introduction or Problem Statement
- Research Objectives/Hypothesis/Thesis/Purpose
- Methodology and research design
- Expected Output and Outcome (Note: “output” refers to activity, effort, and/or associated work products related to the objectives that will be produced by the end of the project; while “outcome” refers to the result, effect, or consequence that will occur with the project output.)
- Proposed Budget (up to $6,000 per project, including housing in Cardinal Village, research support, and travel related to the development of the SURF project) and budget justification. The allowable expenditures include the research student’s time & effort ($2,700, which will be taxable), research supplies (up to $1,400), and travel related to the project (up to $500). View Sample Budget
- Relevant literature to the proposed project with references.
- Letter of recommendation from mentor(s). If several mentors are for one project, then each mentor should provide a letter of recommendation and should specify his/her role in mentoring the student. The letter should be on one page and should touch on two points: 1) the benefit for the student in running the research project and 2) the student’s ability to successfully complete the project
Final Report
- The final SURF report is due at the SURF Symposium, usually scheduled in early September, when the SURF fellows received their certificates of completion of the SURF program.
- The student can submit a 6-to-10-page narrative with technical details (including graphics, graphs, tables, survey forms, references, etc.) about the project and outcomes.
Format: letter size paper with 1” margins and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
- If a narrative cannot be generated for serious reasons and with mentor(s) approval, the student(s) will submit a brief final report (not to exceed 2 pages of text. Graphics, graphs, tables, or references not included.).
Format: letter size paper with 1” margins and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
- Project title
- Student name
- Faculty mentor(s)
- Project output
- Project outcome
- Plan of research in the future
- Student’s Testimonial
The submission of the narrative should be approved in writing by the faculty mentor(s).