
Building Inspection Program

The inspection program can be viewed as fact finding with emphasis on locating potential hazards that can adversely affect safety of employees and students.  Its primary purpose is to detect potential hazards so that they can be corrected before an accident occurs.  The inspection program can determine conditions that need to be corrected or improved to bring operations up to the acceptable standards both from safety and operational standpoints.  Secondary purposes are to improve operations and thus to increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.  While management ultimately has the responsibility for inspecting the work place, responsibility for carrying out the actual and state inspection process extends throughout the campus.


  1. The Risk Management & Occupational Safety Coordinator and EHS Specialist will conduct annual formal safety walk- through inspections. 
  2. Building Coordinators will conduct building inspections of their respective buildings each spring (April or May).  These inspections will be documented and sent to EHS & Risk Management.
  3. Building Coordinators, or their designated representatives, are responsible for helping ensure safety in their respective buildings.  They should conduct frequent walk-throughs and report items needing corrected to the responsible individual or department, Facilities Management, and EHS & Risk Management (riskmanagement_ehs@lamar.edu).  If the standard evacuation plan is not adequate for the building involved, Building Coordinators, with the assistance of EHS & Risk Management,  will develop an emergency evacuation plan specific to the building and ensure that is known by faculty, staff and students.  A copy of the evacuation plan should be sent to EHS & Risk Management.  The Risk Management & Occupational Safety Coordinator should be consulted for assistance in preparing the plan. A copy of this plan will be posted in several conspicuous places in each building.


  1. Building Coordinators will use CampusOptics to serve as a guide and to document random or periodic inspections.  EHS & Risk Management will train Building Coordinators in the use of CampusOptics.
  2. Building Coordinators will provide EHS & Risk Management with updated status reports on corrective actions and follow-up actions taken and corrective actions still outstanding through CampusOptics.
  3. The Risk Management & Occupational Safety Coordinator and EHS Specialist will conduct random checks on corrective actions taken. 


Reviewed and Modified: 12/05/22