
Intellectual Contributions

Mr. David Rose
Instructor of Accounting


Invited Articles/Reviews    

  • Slaydon, J., Rose, D., & Allen, L. (in press, 2019). Quantifying the personal factor of face-to-face in an online world. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies.

Presentation of Refereed Papers 

  • Colon, R. & Rose, D. (2015, March). Independent Auditor's Responsibilities for Violations of Anti-Bribery Provisions under the FCPA: Auditing for Bribes. 2015 Mid-Year Forensic Accounting Conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • Colon, R., Rose, D., Burns, C., & Woodcock, D. (2015, March). Bringing Sexy Back: Fraudulent Financial Reporting Continues to Affect U.S. Businesses. 2015 Mid-Year Forensic Accounting Conference, Denver, Colorado.