
Intellectual Contributions

Dr. Dan W. French
Professor of Finance


Refereed Articles

  • French, D. W., Chacon, R., & Pukthuanthong, K. (in press, 2020). The Information Content of Net Asset Value Estimates. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
  • French, D. W. (2018). Depreciation-Related Capital Ganins, Differential Tax Rates, and the Market Value of Real Estate Investment Trusts. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
  • French, D. W. (2017). Passive Institutional Ownership, R-squared Trends, and Price Informativeness. Financial Review.
  • French, D. W. (2016). Effects of Frequent Information Disclosure: The Case of Daily Net Asset Value Reporting for Closed-end Investment Companies. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
  • French, D. W. (2016). Managerial Social Capital and Financial Development: A Cross-Country Analysis. Financial Review.
  • French, D. W. (2016). Social Capital, Investments, and External Financing. Journal of Corporate Finance.
  • French, D. W. (2014). REIT Organizational Structure: Institutional Ownership, and Stock Performance. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management.

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals

  • French, D. W. (2010). Personal Finance: An Interactive Applications Approach (2014 ed.) Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Presentations of Refereed Papers

  • French, D. W. (2017). Non-traded REITS: Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy. American Real Estate Society, San Diego, California.
  • French, D. W. (2017). The Information Content of Analysts' Value Estimates. Financial Management Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • French, D. W. (2017). Corporate Governance Changes in Non-listed Firms Transitioning to Exchange-Listed Status: A Study Using REITS. European Real Estate Society, Delft, Netherlands.
  • French, D. W. (2016). Classification of Firms into Industries Using Market Data. Southwestern Finance Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • French, D. W. (2016). Passive Institutional Ownership, R-squared Trends, and Price Informativeness. Spanish Finance Association, Madrid, Spain.
  • French, D. W. (2015). The Effects of Unrecognized Capital Gains and Unrecaptured Depreciation on Firm Value: An Application to the Valuation of REITs. NUS-MIT-Maastrich Real Estate Symposium, Singapore, Unknown.
  • French, D. W. (2014). The Effects of Unrecognized Capital Gains and Unrecaptured Depreciation on Firm Value: An Application to the Valuation of REITs. American Real Estate Society, San Diego, California.
  • French, D. W. (2014). Passive Institutional Ownership, R2 Trends, and Price Informativeness. IPAG Financial Management Conference, Paris, France.