Our Tutoring Center offers free tutoring for business courses to all undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Business. Whether you need help with test prep or homework for any business course, we are here to assist you.
Drop-in tutoring is available for Accounting courses Monday thru Friday from 9:00AM - 4:00PM. All other undergraduate business courses, please use the link below to schedule an appointment.
Find us in room 109 of the Galloway Building, next to the Fecel Center, during the Spring and Fall semesters. Let’s make your college journey amazing—ace your business studies and thrive with our help!
Brady Freeman
Courses Taught:
ACCT 2301/2302
Kimguech Mao
Courses Taught:
ACCT 2301/2302, FINC 3310
Sunny Walker
Courses Taught:
ACCT 2301/2302, ACCT 3310/3320, BUAL 2305
Email: cobstudentsuccess@lamar.edu
Phone: 409-880-2120
Galloway Business Building Rm. 109