
Music Education: Courses

Music Education Courses

At Lamar, a music certification student will usually choose to follow the choral or the instrumental track in music education. There are some courses that all students take, and some directed primarily at instrumental students and some at choral students.

All music students seeking music teacher certification will enroll in MUSI 3310, Elementary Music I. This course focuses on elementary general music as well as classroom management.

Music certification students in the choral area will then take MUSI 3320, Elementary Music II. It introduces students to the Kodály approach to teaching music and presents materials and methods appropriate to teaching music in the primary grades.

Professional Pedagogy Courses

Besides the required courses in the music curriculum, music certification students must also complete a set of courses in the Educator Preparation Program in the College of Education and Human Development. These courses are not offered in the summer. They include:

  • SPED 2310, Introduction to Teaching
  • PEDG 3310, Child and Adolescent Development
  • PEDG 3320, Human Learning
  • PEDG 3380, Secondary Planning and Methodology
  • PEDG 4630, Student Teaching-Special (for all-level certification)

SPED 2310: You may take SPED 2310, Introduction to Teaching, without any pre-requisites. Take it in your second year at Lamar. It involves six hours of field experience. You will teach a set of lessons developed by Junior Achievement.